How do fat-dissolving injections work?

Fat-dissolving injections work by destroying fat cells. The injection damages the cell membrane of the fat cell and liquifies the fat in the treatment area. The destroyed fat cells are then broken down and removed naturally through the body’s lymphatic system.


What treatments are available?

Dr Edwards Aesthetics offers DesoBody® and DesoFace® Fat Dissolving Injections.

DesoBody® and DesoFace® Fat Dissolving Injections (Intralipotherapy) are second generation fat-dissolving treatments. The injections contain deoxycholic acid, a bile salt found in the gallbladder which breaks down the fats that we eat.

The two products contain different concentrations of deoxycholic acid so as to  enable the face and body to be treated appropriately.


What areas can fat-dissolving injections treat?

DesoFace® can be used to reduce localised fat deposits found under the chin, neck, jowls and jawline.  This can be used as an individual treatment or combined with other treatments such as dermal fillers to provide a comprehensive jawline rejuvenation.

To treat a double chin it will usually take 3 or 4 sessions of injections with a four week interval between each appointment. Each appointment will require one vial of product.

DesoBody® can be used on the abdomen, flanks, inner thighs, inner knees, upper arms, back rolls and underarm bra fat.

There is more variability in the treatment areas so most areas will require between 3 and 6 sessions of injections. the number of vials needed per session will also vary depending upon the size of the fat pad.

Each appointment will take between 30 and 60 minutes.

How long do visible results take?

Fat loss results take approximately 3 – 6 weeks to show. However, the treated area will continue to improve over the coming weeks. The procedure is not particularly painful as local anaesthetic is used with the product, but there can be some bruising and swelling.

It is recommended that an elastic compression garment is worn post-treatment for several days to get the best results and reduce swelling.