Aftercare details

  • Do not touch, press, rub or manipulate the treated area(s) for at least 8 hours after your treatment.
  • Avoid all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (eg aspirin and ibuprofen), Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver, Essential Fatty Acids (EPA, DHA), for at least 1 week prior to and 2 weeks after your treatment. These listed medications will limit or prevent inflammation, which can diminish your results. If you must take Aspirin for cardiac reasons, you certainly may do so, but this may limit your results.
  • It is normal to experience bruising, redness, itching, swelling and/or soreness that may last from 2-5 days following your procedure. If you experience any pain or discomfort you may take Paracetamol or other products as directed.
  • Avoid saunas, steam rooms, swimming for 2 days after your treatment.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise, sun and heat exposure for at least 2 days after your treatment.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes for 3 days after treatment. Smokers do not heal well and problems recur earlier and results may take longer.

Need to get in touch?

If you are experiencing problems, contact us on 07951 764893.